#GramercyCourt Living Room: The Cobbler's Children Have No Shoes
Just a quick update on the new apartment! You know how it goes, designer of furniture, has no actual furniture! We've gotten as far as a few favorite fabrics, a favorite light fixture, and a few art picks!
*Email contact@shopsocietysocial.com and I would be happy to share sources below! Also, if you're decorating too, I would love to help!!! We could have lots of fun and I receive discounts to many trade-only sources, like all the ones in this post!*
Like I mentioned in the last post in which I shared the before pics, I brought home a million fabrics and Alan and I each got to choose our favorites. Oscar puked on mine. Schumacher or not, apparently my puppy is not a label whore. I'm so proud.
Alan's favorite is the grey print you see in the image below. That has not changed. I tend to favor colorful florals which you saw a lot of in our last apartment. I'm trying really hard not to go in the same direction.

With that said, the beautiful fabrics you see in the bottom of this pic are in the running to replace her! We'll see if I can suppress my inner granny chic!Â

The sofa may be the only item we're pretty set on. To my pleasant surprise, Alan said yes to the fringe and I love the natural feel of it, it's called Hula after all, juxtaposed with this gorgeous vintage-y velvet. Of course I'm making everyone's life harder by coming up with a brand new Society Social sofa style for #GramercyCourt. Stay tuned!

And to center a living room in dramatic fashion, I love a drum pendant! Because of its shape it naturally glows and adds flow to a room! More to come on that but so far my favorite is the Gracie pendant by Ro Sham Beaux. Delicious linen wrapped in hemp. Oh the texture!
I'm headed to the Society Social North Carolina in a week and hope to make more progressive. Meanwhile, a snapshot from our weekend with blizzard #Jonas who dumped 30 inches on NYC! Oscar Owens loved every second. Our little snowball hopped around in the fresh pow pow like an energizer bunny. I mean can you get any cuter?Â

As usual and if you would like, you can keep it on the Instagram, the SnapChat, the Facebook, the Pinterest, and the Twitter: @societysocial! xoxo! Roxy