Dear New York, I ❤️ you to the moon. I'll see you soon!

How do you say goodbye 😢 to the the first (and almost only) place you've ever wanted to live?
I've moved here twice; the first time was for grad school. Then I came back to New York 7 years ago to chase my big city dreams and simply because I had never felt more myself here than in any other place my entire life.
I left NYC the first time a little too soon. Naive and young-ish, and after what seemed like a miracle from up above, I finally made it back in 2011. I believed every word from Alicia Key's "Empire State of Mind" and I still do :)

We came as a family of 2 and leave in just 3 short weeks as a family of 4.
It's hard to articulate how living in this beloved city has changed me, my career, and even my marriage, for the better-- so much has happened beyond what this immigrant then small town raised North Carolina girl could have ever hoped.

It's hard to articulate how living in this beloved city has changed me, my career, and even my marriage, for the better-- so much has happened beyond what this immigrant then small town raised North Carolina girl could have ever hoped.
We truly carved out a little life in a city that can be unforgiving, scrappy and tough. I am proud and beyond grateful for that!

5 sets of keys handed to us- we worked so hard for all of them.
3 apartments. One bed bug ridden, one 376 sq ft, the last one our very fave; it has a bedroom! A dishwasher! A microwave!
2 Society Social showrooms, in the LES and Soho. Both brought Society Social to heights that an unemployed 20-something could have never imagined.
1 fluffy puppy 🐾

New York has become a part of us. We've made countless incredible memories and sweet friends who will now be forever a part of our story and our lives.
We leave a bit 💔 heartbroken but a thousand times more hopeful.
We leave as parents of the most precious little New Yorker.
We'll be heading back to the land of the pine, a decision we made because family comes first. More on that later!
I'm so excited to share how we and Society Social will be making the transition, but first in the coming weeks, I'll try to share a few of our favorite spots in hopes you will enjoy them as much as we have. And also as an exercise to help me cope with our departure! ;) I hope you'll look forward to the following!

❤️ Our 10 Favorite Restaurants from over the years
🥂Our 5 Go-To Bars from local to fancy
🛍️ 10 Shops I Love
👪🏻 And a few of our favorite things to do as a family
Thank you for following along with our family's little adventure!