Easter Sunday Best 💛

I know I'm not alone when I share that Austen and I are more often than not donning athleisure or in her case, scantily-clad these days. Her favorite outfit has quickly turned into a single garment ensemble of just pants or just a shirt. Times are different these days to say the least and I raise a glass to all you working mamas out there--I see you and I feel you.
It's safe to say that this Easter is going to be like everything else right now, different from years prior. Easter brunch will be limited to a small gathering of our immediate family, Easter egg hunts organized specifically for just sweet Austen girl, but that doesn't stop us from counting our many blessings and continuing to celebrate in our own way.

It's safe to say that this Easter is going to be like everything else right now, different from years prior. Easter brunch will be limited to a small gathering of our immediate family, Easter egg hunts organized specifically for just sweet Austen girl, but that doesn't stop us from counting our many blessings and continuing to celebrate in our own way.

One thing that has remained constant, embracing the opportunity to put on our Sunday best. If not for Easter, then when else? Even Austen Kelly relished in the opportunity to match Mama in our Lali dresses and play in my collection of gorgeous Loren Hope jewels.

A longtime friend and fellow female entrepreneur, Loren's pieces have always been special to me and a part of my Easter dress. Today I selected her Pauline earring featuring handset vintage glass stones that just exude spring and perfectly match mine and Austen's sunny- look. Fun fact: Loren shot these images and our Spring Collection that debuted just yesterday. She's an incredible talent and a beautiful soul.

Designed by Loren herself, and made with love in Rhode Island, each of her spring-infused designs are inspired by nature and/or her family making them all that more special and personal. Her pieces are ones I know that I can pass down to Austen one day. Be sure to checkout her gorgeous new spring capsule here.

Putting on a spring dress, spring jewels and lots of smiles did me and Austen Kelly some good. It's the little things these days that make us feel joyful and the big things the Easter season brings to light that we continue to count as blessings.