New Year, Fresh Fashion Faves
I am taking the pledge to BUY LESS, TO BE MORE to my family, my business, my life!
We are making the biggest moves EVER in 2019! I am waking up before 5am more mornings than not (today included 😄) and honestly I am having a hard time keeping up-- most of our belongings are still in boxes, baby is just starting to get the hang of daycare, our dada and teammate is commuting weekly back to NYC which means I'm living the single mom life during the week, and Society Social is demanding more attention than ever. As the creative director behind the biz, it's so important for me to feel refreshed and inspired everyday. When you look good, you feel good! If you feel good, that confidence carries into every aspect of life.
This is why @RenttheRunway has been my saving grace and the extra pep in my step! HELLO, CUTEST EVER MILLY SWEATSHIRT! I don't have to think twice about my wardrobe, which is also key, because I have to get baby girl dressed in the morning, too!
In 2019, I pledge to BUY LESS, TO BE MORE to my family, my business, my life! And bonus, mama feels so sassy, too LOL! How fun are my picks for January? I can't wait to show you how I wear them! Scroll for a special discount code just for you!
If you would like to take the Buy Less, Be More (Amazing!) Pledge with me, you can use my code ROXYT100 to receive $100 off your first 2 months of Rent the Runway Unlimited. That is $80 off! Click here!

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