Roxy Shares 3 DIYS for a Boo-tiful Halloween!

I believe that seasonal decorating doesn't have to be kitchy or overly crafty. In that spirit here are 3 slightly spooky yet positively chic DIY's to set the mood for tricks and treats!
(Don't forget you can shop my apartment, #GramercyCourt, here!)

All you'll need for my "eyeballs" is the below! Canned lychees (a fruit!) can be found in the Asian section of almost any grocery store. I bought these from Whole Foods where I picked up blackberries. Simply stuff the lychees with blackberries and plop into your cauldron, er punch, or skewer individual "eyeballs" for cocktails.


p.s. More info on the 3 inexpensive "buys" above: "BOO" from Crate & Barrel $35, Black Goblets $35 and Beakers $20 from Amazon!
Styling, Furniture, Photography by Roxy Te/Society Social